Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Daffodil international university  is one of best university in Bangladesh. The named of the Daffodil came from  a flower named daffodil. The nick name this university is DIU. It is situated in Dhaka. First of all In 1992 Diu started their journey. But in 24 January 2002 Diu came under the private university with it's approval of Government of BD. The chairman of the university named Sabur Khan and the chancellor named Abdul Hamid who is the president of BD and Dr. Yousuf Mahbubul Islam. The number of academic staff 471 and administrative staff 415.There are 13679 students in this university. The number of undergraduates 1521 and post graduates 1158.The ranking of the university is 6th.DIU also get the membership of International Association of universities. Basically, it is best university for engineering student. it is one of the university where BD have signed a UN's commitment that it is a higher education institution.

CAMPUS:  It has three campus in Dhaka in different places. The main campus of this university is situated in Dhanmondi, on the other hand, the campus situated in uttara and the permanent campus is in Ashulia. The Ashulian campus also called Green campus. All the room each every building are controlled by CC camera. The accommodation system of the campus is perfect for students.

FACILITY: DIU has five faculty, there are FSIT,FBE,FE,FAHS and FHS.DIU has also has two intuitions and two center. In this university there are lots club for the students. There are many facilities in this university.
Student can get admission in this university by online far from the university and from the different areas. The authority of the university is very caring. They take care of the students properly. Daffodil international university maintain some rules for the students. The authority of the university follow some rules which is very essential for a students. There are many students who's were got graduate from Daffodil international university they got job many reputed  company such as Goggle, You tube ,NASA and many other company. It is one of the best university for computer science and engineering student. A few years ago Daffodil international university opened a center named carrier development center which helps to get job for the students. There are two hostel in this university , one for the female students and the other for the male students. This university provide Goggle class-room for the  student.IN this google classroom student  get the study file like pdf books.

LIBRARY FACILITY:  The Library of this university is very large. The accommodation system is very good. student can gather knowledge from this library. The library provide different types of books for the students. Student can study in that library separately. The library of the university is very calm and quiet that's why student can study their with their full attention. The university of Daffodil has provide a special librarian for the library. The library has totally fourth floor. Daffodil international university also provide online library for their students.

CAFE:  There is cafe in this university. The name of the cafe is Daffodil cafe. it provides very healthy food.it makes all type of fast food and crispy food like singara, burger, hot-dog, pizza and many other foods. This university also gives a g-mail each student. This university provide Goggle class-room for the  student.IN this google classroom student  get the study file like pdf books.

PAYMENT SYSTEM: There is a another building for the student where student give their  semester fee and different fee for the university. University also provide a Portal side called student portal where student can see their due money. The n they payment the amount of this account room. After payment they get a money receipt. when they get the receipt then they go to a account manager for get a clearance which is refer  like a admit card.

CONCLUSION: To conclude it can be said that, it is a university where we can achieve knowledge properly and also being a good human being.


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