Tuesday, May 17, 2016


East west university is one the greatest private university in our country. It is very large.Basically it is famous for it's campus. The university start their journey 1996.The university has almost 10,400 students.

CAMPUS: EWU has a great campus. It is situated at Jahurul islam city in Aftabnagor near main road. It situated near banasree. It is full of red bricks. it seems so beautiful for it's awesome  colour. The area if EWU is almost 1bigha. it is near Bangladesh TV and  doyamoyi mor In 2012, may the authority shifted their campus in a new buildings. The space of the floor is 450,000 square feet. This campus has huge space for their students. students can move easily and they feel very good.

FACULTIES: There are some particular departments for every faculty. There is a dean for every faculty. Those faculties are given below:
1.Faculty of Economics and Business
BBA,MBA program
2.Social sciences and Liberal Arts
Social relation
3.Faculty of Engineering and Sciences
Electronic and Electric
Information and communication

Electronics and Telecommunications
Genetic and Biology

Semester System: EWU provide a open credit semester system. They follow a American path. This open credit system is also in North America. The authority of this university also follow that north American semester system. The open credit system is very helpful for the students. Student can choose their own choice able subject.EWU has total twelve semester for graduate student. This university provide three semester in a year. There are different credit for different department.
Student can get admission in three different times. The admission time is Fall, summer and Spring.
The fall semester start from September and end December. Then the spring semester comes, it begins January and it continue to April. Then summer semester comes. summer semester start from  may month and end at May. Every semester leads four months.

CGPA: Every university contains their marks in CGPA system.EWU also follow that system. CGPA system is the system where the average marks of those subject. CGPA base on four point.EWU divided three types of CGPA. There are the first class, second class and the third class.EWU is very strict to CGPA. They start their first class CGPA from 3.00 and more than this point. Then the second class CGPA has been start the point of 2.50 and not more than 2.99.But the last class of CGPA start at 2.00 and below than 2.49.Those three types of CGPA follow EWU students.
EWU provide reward for brilliant students. The authority also give gold medal those who students got 3.97 CGPA.

LIBRARY: Library is a place where students go for earn knowledge. EWU has a great library for their students. The library building is in 11000 sq ft. In the library the authority also provide many newspaper .Every almost 2200 students use the library. The library divide in many corner. One of the place is for newspaper then search corner and the other side is photo copy corner. Not only that EWU library has also Online system.

EWU also provide a great opportunity for their student. The authority provide waiver, the waiver in many types. sometimes it is almost 50% just 45,000 taka in a year. it is really helpful for students.
CONCLUSION: At last it can say that, EWU is very good university in Bangladesh.

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